Director, International Partnerships

Allan M. Mukuki, PhD Candidate, LLM (Groningen, The Netherlands), PGDip (KSL), LLB (Hons) (UoN), MCIArb (London), Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public

Allan Mukuki is a distinguished legal professional with over ten years of experience in legal practice, academia, research, and consultancy. Currently pursuing a Doctor of Laws (LLD) at Stellenbosch University, he is recognised as a thought leader in public international law, refugee law, and human rights law. He holds a Master of Laws from the University of Groningen and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Nairobi. He is a scholar of the Hague Academy of International Law and has served as a Visiting Fellow at the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University. Allan is also an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, a Commissioner for Oaths, and a Notary Public.

Throughout his illustrious career, Allan has demonstrated exceptional leadership and impact in legal research, strategic consultancy, and academia. He has been instrumental in developing several groundbreaking legal initiatives and policies, including the High Court Registry Manual for Kenya, IGAD’s Regional Refugee Management Framework, and strategic plans for Kenya’s Office of the Data Protection Commissioner. His advisory roles with global organisations like the Commonwealth, ICRC, GiZ, and Microsoft have addressed pressing issues such as data protection, digital transformation, and international criminal justice.

As a faculty member at Strathmore Law School, Mukuki has been a cornerstone in curriculum development and the training of future legal professionals. He has overseen international partnerships, negotiating over 45 MOUs with universities and institutions across five continents. He has also managed high-value projects such as the Academic Trip Project, now valued at over USD 3 million. A champion of access to justice, he is involved with the Strathmore Law Clinic, providing pro bono legal aid to underserved communities.

Mukuki’s academic contributions include numerous peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and policy reports on topics ranging from climate change and migration to data protection and international humanitarian law. He is a sought-after speaker and trainer and has presented at prestigious conferences globally.

Mukuki is a laureate recipient of the 2024 “Top 40 Under 40” Award by Business Daily and a recognised Best Lecturer at Strathmore Law School (2022); he is also deeply committed to social impact. As the founding director of The Spear Foundation, he supports educational initiatives for underprivileged children. His role as Board Chairperson for HIAS Kenya reflects his dedication to advancing equitable policies for refugees and displaced persons.

Allan Mukuki consistently influences legal discussions and motivates change in Kenya and beyond, blending unmatched expertise with a steadfast dedication to justice. He merges strategic insight, extensive legal knowledge, and a zeal for capacity building to foster transformative developments in legal and humanitarian sectors.

  • Public International Law
  • The Law of International Organizations
  • International Humanitarian Law
  • Regional Integration Law
  • Refugee Law
  • Legal Policy Development
  • Legislative Drafting
  • Strategic legal consultancy services
  • Conveyancing
  • Probate & Administration
  • Commercial Transactions
  • Law Society of Kenya
  • Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • Commissioner for Oaths (Kenya)
  • Notary Public (Kenya)
  • Position 8, 2024 Men’s – Top 40 Under 40, Award Laureate, Business Daily Awards
  • Best lecturer, Strathmore Law School, 2023
  • The Runner-Up, Best Oralist Award & Best Male Oralist, Telders International Law Moot Court Competition (2016)
  • Strathmore School of Law, Law Clinic
Subsidiary Legislations, Manuals, Policies and Strategic Plans
  1. Office of Data Protection Commissioner, Kenya – 2025-2030 Strategic Plan
  2. Nairobi County Refugee Integration and Community Building Strategy. (NCRIS) 2024-2027
  3. IGAD Policy Framework on Refugee Protection (October 2023)
  4. Norken International Ltd Strategic Plan (2024-2030)
  5. KPMG – UK & Office of Data Protection Commissioner, Kenya – 2022-2025 Strategic Plan
  6. Strathmore University – 2020-2025 Strategic Plan
  7. Physiotherapists Rules, 2016
  8. Nairobi Baptist Church – 2015 – 2020 Strategic Plan
  9. The High Court Registry Operation Manual, 2017
  1. Mukuki Allan, Assenga Alex, ‘Comparative Study Of Data Protection Legislation Frameworks Across The East African Community’ (March 2024)
  2. Report on the Best Practices, Challenges, Gaps and Recommendations of Ways to Improve Refugee Management in Each of the Current Seven IGAD Member States. (December 2023)
  3. The #LetThemWork Initiative: Private Sector and Its Role in Labour Market Access by Refugees, 2023
  4. Allan Mukuki, Betty Kioko et al (2022), ‘Customary Law in the Legal System of the Republic of Kenya’, National Report Series in a European Research Council Grant on The Rules of Interpretation of Customary International Law
  5. Laura Hammond (SOAS University of London) and Allan Mukuki (Research and Evidence Facility) ‘(2022) Review of Horn of Africa Countries’ Refugee Hosting and Durable Solutions Practices: A Case Study’, World Development Report Team, World Bank, 2022
  6. Report on the Assessment of Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Rights, Gaps, And Opportunities Affecting Refugees in Kakuma and Kalobeyei, Turkana West, Kenya. (2022)
  7. Report on the Perceptions of Refugees and Host Communities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei on The Issue of Registration of Death and Civil Registration of Persons Living with Disability. (2020)
Journal Articles, Book Chapters & Books
  1. Mukuki Allan M and Beatrice Kioko (2023), ‘The Ugly Face of International Law in Practice’, Vol. 2 No. 001 (2023): The European Academic Journal (EAJ)
  2. Dr. Peter Kwenjera, Allan Mukuki & Kelvin Mbatia (2022), 'Refocusing Legal Education: The Shift from Adversarial Litigation to Compliance and ADR', Book chapter in, The Future of Legal Education in Eastern Africa, July, 2021. A book project by USIU, UON & University of Edinburgh (Upcoming Book Chapter)
  3. Dr. Peter Kwenjera, Allan Mukuki (2022), 'Barriers to the mobility of legal education and practice in the East African Community', Book chapter in, The Future of Legal Education in Eastern Africa, July, 2021. A book project by USIU, UON & University of Edinburgh (Upcoming Book Chapter)
  4. Mukuki Allan M., (2021) ‘Climate Change and Refugee Children: The Key Refugee Protection Standards provided by the Convention on Rights of the Child’, Book Chapter in *Children in Migration*, Markiewicz-Stanny, Milej and Wedel-Domaradzka (Eds), 2022, Nomos
  5. Allan Mukuki, (2021), ‘Chapter 1: Kenya’, Book chapter in, *Africa’s Digital Economy: The Case Of African Continental Free Trade Area And The Readiness of Five Countries – Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, And Ghana*, Africa Digital Rights Hub
  6. Mukuki Allan M., (2020). ‘The sacrosanct? The challenge in holding the United Nations responsible for the failure to prevent genocide.’ Strathmore Law School Journal, Volume 4 (1)
  7. Mukuki Allan M., (2020). ‘Personal reflections: COVID-19 & The Adaptation of Strathmore University in Kenya’, in ‘Conquering Complexities: Perspectives on COVID-19’, The TEIMUN Journal, Volume 1, 2020
  8. Mukuki Allan M., (2019). ‘Reimagining the Concept of Forced Migration in The Face of Climate Change’. Groningen Journal of International Law (GRoJIL 7 (1))
  9. Mukuki Allan M., & Muthoni Sandra B. (2018). ‘National Security Vs the Principle of Non-refoulement: Where Do the Scales Tilt?’ African Union Commission on International Law Journal
  10. Mukuki, Allan M. (2017). ‘The Nexus between Counter Terrorism and Human Rights with a Perspective on Cyber Terrorism’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol: 4, No: 2, 2017
  11. Mukuki, Allan M. (2016). ‘The Various Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms and Access to Justice in Kenya,’ Kenya Law Review Journal Vol 5: (No.1, May 2016), pp. 205-218
  12. Mukuki, Allan M. (2016). ‘Becoming a Model UN Delegate: An Essential Guide through the MUN World’, pp. 59, MUNPlanet
  13. Mukuki, Allan M. (2016). ‘The Normative Irrelevance of Austin’s Command Theory in International Law,’ Mimbar Hukum Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 569-582
  14. Mukuki Allan M., and Wabuke Emmah K. (eds) (2015). Commentary on the Principle of Non-refoulement in Refugee Law: Challenges and Opportunities, Lambert Academic Publishing
  1. Mukuki Allan M., (2016). ‘Environmental Refugees: Is it time to reconsider the refugee definition in international law?’ (LLM Thesis).
  2. Mukuki Allan M., (2013). ‘The Refugee Influx Dilemma: Is Kenya at a crossroad?’ (LLB Thesis).
  1. ‘Regional & National Policy Trends: Kenya’s quest for Comprehensive Policy- Key considerations’ – Allan Mukuki, Presentation in The Nairobi Program on International Refugee Law, Strathmore Law School, November 13th -15th, 2024.
  2. ‘International Cooperation in Refugee Management: Lessons and Opportunities for the East African Community’ –Allan Munyao Mukuki (Strathmore University, Kenya), co-authored with Marie Umwali Iradukunda, panel presentation in the panel titled: Cooperation Agreements and their Implications for Refugees (THEMATIC) at the conference on *Pacts, Promises and Refugee Protection: 8th Annual Conference*, Refugee Law Initiative, University of London, 2-5th June, 2024.
  3. “Issues in Forced Migration in Kenya and the Mapping of the Research Landscape of Forced Displacement in Kenya” Presentation at the Kenya Evidence Platform, 1st Biannual Network Meeting of Academics in Kenya, under the theme of *Strengthening the Voices of Academia in the Production and Promotion of Research Evidence on Forced Displacement in Kenya*, 9-10th May 2024.
  4. ‘Right to Asylum from a Gender Perspective’ – The Thinking Watermill Society, Rome, Hosted on Webex, 14 October 2021.
  5. ‘Refugee Protection in the East African Community Partner States,’ Leicester Law School Postgraduate Research Conference 2021, *Legal Challenges in an Age of Uncertainty*, Hosted on Microsoft Teams, June 15, 2021.
  6. ‘Climate Change and Refugee Children: The Key Refugee Protection Standards provided by the Convention on Rights of the Child’, *CHILD IN MIGRATION. STATUS AND IDENTITY*, 19-21 May 2021, online, Poland.
  7. ‘The sacrosanct? The Fallacy in Holding the United Nations Responsible for the Failure to Prevent Genocide.’ Strathmore Law School Colloquium, 24th February 2017.
  8. ‘The Nexus between Counter Terrorism and Human Rights with a Perspective on Cyber Terrorism’ - ICCTS 2017: *19th International Conference on Conflict, Terrorism and Society*, February 16-17, 2017, London, United Kingdom.
  9. ‘Reimagining the Concept of Forced Migration in The Face of Climate Change’ – *Migration in a Turbulent World Conference, 2016*, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Doha, Qatar.
  10. ‘Terrorism and Human Rights: A Key Focus on Cyber Terrorism’–Annual Law Conference, *Terrorism: Challenges to Emerging Democracies in Africa*, 2015, Strathmore Law School.