For about 5 years, Dr. John Osogo Ambani, senior lecturer at Strathmore Law School and Editor-In-Chief of the Strathmore University Press (Law), and Prof. Sampford of Griffiths University, Australia, have been working on an edited volume on the Constitution of Kenya. The book studies every …
Kenya promulgated its much-awaited Constitution on 27 August 2010. It turns 10 on 27 August 2020. 10 years form a good period to test whether the Constitution has achieved the transformation sought by the people. In this spirit, Strathmore Law …
The Strathmore Law Review (SLR) has announced the Yash and Jill Cottrell Ghai Writing Prize, which will be an annual writing prize given to the best law-and-society article in every issue of the journal. This year, a cash prize of US$700 will …