Prof Lopez-Jurado comes from Granada – Spain, where he studied Law in the University Complutense Madrid and the University of Granada. He obtained a Ph.D. (Law) from the University of Granada in 1989, and was appointed a Professor (Titular) in 1992. He later joined the University of Navarra (Pamplona) in 1995. He became a Full (Ordinario) Professor in 2003. Currently, he teaches several courses among them, Administrative Law, Law and the State in the International Relations Degree, at University of Navarra.
During his years at the University of Navarra, he has served in several administrative positions; Vice-Dean of the Law School (1996-2001, 2005-2007) and Vice-President for Academic Affairs (2007-2016). He has also been a Visiting Professor in Bologna (Italy) at the Scuola di Specializzazione in Dirrito Amministrativo, in Germany at Ruhr Universität Bochum and in Northwestern University’s Law School – Chicago, USA.
He has published extensively on different aspects of Public law from Political theory (intellectual roots of political and legal disaffection) and Constitutional issues (principles for the interpretation of the Constitution, or universities’ autonomy) to particular issues on Energy Law, Environmental Law, Risk Regulation, Town and Country Planning. Most of his publications are in Spanish, but some of the most relevant are published in English and German languages.
Under his supervision, seven doctoral students have attained their PhD qualification, with dissertations on topics related to EU Administrative law. The doctoral topics have been on matters such as food safety, pharmaceutical products, renewal energy, EU mergers substantive threshold mechanism, and environmental protection. To access his publications, click here.
Prof. Lopez-Jurado will take on the role of Dean – Strathmore Law School for one year. We welcome him to the Strathmore family as we accord him utmost support during his stay with us.
- Administrative Law
- Law and the State in the International Relations
- “Intellectual Roots of Political and Legal Disaffection”, in Sovranità, democrazia e libertà, G. Valditara (Ed.), Milan, 2019, pp. 177-191 (forthcoming).
- "Legal Traceability Method (LTM): Search for Meaning in Global Law Context," in Globalization of Law. The Role of Human Dignity, M. Dybowski, R. García Pérez (Eds.), Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2018, pp. 145-155.
- „Auswirkung des systeminmanenten Risikos auf die Regulierung des Luftverkehrs," in Darnaculleta, Esteve, Spiecker (Hrsg.), Strategien des Rechts im Angesicht von Ungewissheit und Globalisierung, Nomos, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2015, pp. 204–219.
- “El futuro de la ciencia del Derecho administrativo”, Libro Homenaje al Prof. Barranco Vela, Vol. I, Civitas-Thomson Reuters, 2014, pp. 311-324.
- "Systemic risks and the reformation of European Union Law concerning network industries," in Alemanno (Ed.), Governing Disasters: The Challenges of Emergency Risk Regulation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2011, pp. 182–197.
- “Técnicas específicas de los servicios en red”, in Fundamentos e Instituciones de la Regulación S, Muñoz Machado, S. y Esteve Pardo, J. (Ed.), IUSTEL, Madrid, 2009, pp. 759-825.
- “Los principios constitucionales referidos al ordenamiento energético español” with Gómez Montoro A.J. Tratado de Regulación del Sector Eléctrico Tomo I, Becker, F. Martínez-Simancas, J. Cazorla, L.M. Sala J.M. (Ed.), Thomson-Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2009, p. 49-85.
- „Netzverantwortung und- Regulierung in der Spanishen Energiewirtschaft“, in Pielow (Hrsg.), Wege zum ‚echten‘ Energiebinnenmarkt: Konsens im Ziel, Dissens über die Methoden, Boorberg, Köln, Germany, 2009, pp. 107–117.
- “Risk Management Administrative Procedures”, Transforming Administrative Procedure, Barnes J. (Ed.), Global Law Press, Sevilla 2008, p. 99-122.
- „Public Health, Environmental Protetion and Trade Restrictions: the Precautionary Principle as Applied in EC Law”, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Staat der Gegenwart. Gedächnisschrift für Peter J. Tettinger. J. Ennuschat, J. Geerlings, T. Mann, J-C. Pielow, (Ed.), Carl Heymanns Verlag, Cologne (Germany), 2007, pp. 731-746.
- La regulación del sector eléctrico, with Trillo-Figueroa, J. Civitas. Madrid, 1996, 584 pp. Prologue: García de Enterría Martínez Carande, E.
- “La formulación de criterios de interpretación de la Constitución en la doctrina alemana: parámetros de admisibilidad” Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, n.34, 1992, pages 99-125.