Wambui Kariuki holds a BA degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi Kenya and a Master of Public Policy and Management from Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya. Wambui also holds a Diploma in Public Management from the University of Chile in Santiago, Chile.
Wambui works in the Law School as a Teaching Fellow, where she instructs the Law and Literature and Law and Development courses. She also serves as the Law School Communications Coordinator, Mentoring Coordinator and sits on the University Wellness Committee as the Law School Wellness Champion. Her research interests include, urban transport policy and sports policy among other issues of policy and governance. She has written on urban transport choice in Nairobi country and continues to research on issues of transport justice.
Kariuki W. Factors Influencing Choice of Urban Transport Alternatives by Residents of Buru Buru Estate, Nairobi County (Master of Public Policy, Strathmore Business School 2020)
AGCID Public Management Scholarship Recipient 2019